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Succulent in a Smooth Black Pot


A cute little plant in a black pot that goes well with any surroundings.

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This popular, smooth black planter with a gorgeous, delicate Haworthia within, enhances any space you put it in. We also give you the necessary soil mix that guarantees your succulent has a long and happy life in this refined, tasteful planter.


Succulents, Soil mix, Plant



Additional information
Dimensions 10.5 × 10.5 × 10 cm

Vida Verde

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Care Instructions
  • Keep the terrarium at a well-lit place with bright indirect sunlight or artificial light.
  • Once in 10-15 days, keep it near a window with bright indirect sunlight for a few hours.
  • Never expose the jar to direct sunlight.
  • Ensure their roots are not soaked. Water only when the soil is completely dry. (Generally, 7-10 days)
  • Give about 2-3 tablespoons of water at the roots using a spoon or dropper.
  • Remove rotting leaves immediately.
  • Keep rotating the jar once in a few days to ensure the uniform light distribution.
  • Use a soft, moist cloth to clean the glass walls whenever needed.